In online education courses, you can't see your instructors, and the distance between you might make you forget that your instructors are "real" people. They are! And they care deeply about what you are learning in the courses you are taking. To get the most out of your courses, talk to your instructors on a regular basis.
If you have questions or comments for your instructors, you can
- include them with your assignment submissions.
- email your instructors directly.
- arrange a phone or Zoom conference.
If you're a student in the Indiana University High School diploma program, we encourage you to be in frequent contact with an academic advisor, as well as your instructors.
You can email an advisor using the email address the advisor gave to you. Or, you can contact an advisor by calling (800) 334-1011 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (eastern time), Monday through Friday.
We'll transfer you to an advisor or ask an advisor to contact you as soon as possible.
Direct all academic questions to your instructors before contacting the Indiana University High School office.
Contact by Email #
All of the instructors for IUHS courses may be contacted via email. Check the homepage of your course for the instructor contact information.
When emailing your instructor, please format your subject line so that it includes your given name, "IUHS," and the course name/title like this: Mary Jones, IUHS, Algebra I, First Semester. Failure to do so may cause your email to be improperly identified as spam.
Contact by Phone #
To set up a phone conference with your instructor, call (800) 334-1011, or send an email to