Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

The Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct provides regulations governing the actions and interactions of all members of the university community. According to the Code, your student rights include the right to be free from discrimination or harassment, to access records and facilities, to exercise freedom of association and expression, to contribute to university governance, and to receive accommodation for disabilities.

Your student responsibilities include upholding and following the codes and bulletins of respective schools, professional programs, and professional societies; obeying all applicable university policies and procedures; facilitating the learning environment (for example, by preparing for lessons and completing course assignments); planning a program of study appropriate to your educational goals; maintaining and regularly monitoring your email account; and upholding and maintaining academic and professional honesty and integrity.

Throughout your tenure at Indiana University, it is important for you to understand your rights and responsibilities. We strongly encourage you to read the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, which you can obtain online or by writing to


Academic Misconduct #

Carefully review the following information regarding Academic Misconduct:

Academic misconduct is defined as any activity that tends to undermine the academic integrity of the institution. IU High School may discipline a student for academic misconduct. Academic misconduct may involve human, hard-copy, or electronic resources.

Policies of academic misconduct apply to all course-, department-, and school-, and university-related activities, including, but not limited to, exams, and course & school activities outside of a specific course structure (such as extracurricular activities, lessons, assignments, assessments, tests, and proctored and unproctored exams). The IU High School faculty member may take into account the seriousness of the violation in assessing a penalty for acts of academic misconduct. The faculty member must report all cases of academic misconduct to the the Principal or appropriate official. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty is a detrimental practice in student learning. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the use of wireless communication devices to surreptitiously gain advantage, unauthorized sharing of information and/or assignments, use of prohibited translation programs to produce World Language projects, and unauthorized use of study aids, study guides or other materials on a quiz or test. 
  2. Cheating: Cheating is considered to be an attempt to use or provide unauthorized assistance, materials, information, or study aids in any form and in any academic exercise or environment.

    1. A student must not use external assistance on any “in-class” or “take-home” examination, unless the instructor specifically has authorized external assistance. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the use of tutors, books, notes, calculators, computers, and wireless communication devices.

    2. A student must not use another person as a substitute in the taking of an examination or quiz, nor allow other persons to conduct research or to prepare work, without advanced authorization from the instructor to whom the work is being submitted.

    3. A student must not use materials from a commercial term paper company, files of papers prepared by other persons, or submit documents found on the Internet.

    4. A student must not collaborate with other persons on a particular project and submit a copy of a written report that is represented explicitly or implicitly as the student’s individual work.

    5. A student must not use any unauthorized assistance in a laboratory, at a computer terminal, or on fieldwork.

    6. A student must not steal examinations or other course materials, including but not limited to, physical copies and photographic or electronic images.

    7. A student must not submit substantial portions of the same academic work for credit or honors more than once without permission of the instructor or program to whom he work is being submitted.

    8. A student must not, without authorization, alter a grade or score in any way, nor alter answers on a returned exam or assignment for credit.

  3. Fabrication: A student must not falsify or invent any information or data in an academic exercise including, but not limited to, records or reports, laboratory results, and citation to the sources of information.

  4. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work, including the work of other students, as one’s own. Any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged, unless the information is common knowledge. What is considered “common knowledge” may differ from course to course.

    1. A student must not adopt or reproduce ideas, opinions, theories, formulas, graphics, or pictures of another person without acknowledgment.

    2. A student must give credit to the originality of others and acknowledge indebtedness whenever:

      1. directly quoting another person’s actual words, whether oral or written;

      2. using another person’s ideas, opinions, or theories;

      3. paraphrasing the words, ideas, opinions, or theories of others, whether oral or written;

      4. borrowing facts, statistics, or illustrative material; or

      5. offering materials assembled or collected by others in the form of projects or collections without acknowledgment
  5. Interference: A student must not steal, change, destroy, or impede another student’s work, nor should the student unjustly attempt, through a bribe, a promise of favors or threats, to affect any student’s grade or the evaluation of academic performance. Impeding another student’s work includes, but is not limited to, the theft, defacement, or mutilation of resources so as to deprive others of the information they contain.

  6. Violation of Course Rules: A student must not violate course rules established by a department, the course syllabus, verbal or written instructions, or the course materials that are rationally related to the content of the course or to the enhancement of the learning process in the course.

  7. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: A student must not intentionally or knowingly help or attempt to help another student to commit an act of academic misconduct, nor allow another student to use his or her work or resources to commit an act of misconduct.
  8. Examples of Academic Misconduct, Academic Dishonesty, Cheating, Fabrication, Plagiarism, Interference, and Violation of Course Rules: Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to the following examples. Note that this is not an exhaustive list. Incidents not included in the examples below may be deemed academic misconduct upon or after investigation. All student conduct is subject to scrutiny:
    • Using a paper (either purchased or free) off the Internet and passing it off as your own

    • Using a paper that was previously turned in by you for a similar assignment

    • Using a paper turned in by another student for a similar assignment

    • Cutting and pasting passages or portions of papers from those off the Internet or previously used papers without proper citation

    • Copying a passage verbatim without using quotation marks around it, even if it has a citation after it

    • Changing just a few words in a passage (instead of truly paraphrasing the passage) without putting quotation marks around it, even if it has a citation after it

    • Using a direct passage with quotation marks but forgetting citation

    • Incorrect citation information after a passage or on the Works Cited page

    • Recording research in a sloppy fashion: wrong dates, titles, page numbers, etc.

    • Not using proper citation when building on someone else’s idea, opinion, or theory

    • Using from a source facts, statistics, graphs, drawings – any pieces of information – that are not common knowledge without proper citation

    • Using World Language translation sites and passing the translated material off as your own

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