Course Format

As an Indiana University High School student, you take courses in IU's Canvas course platform. Genius SIS is the IUHS student information system. The course catalog is available here.

IU High School students use a single account (called an IU Guest Account) to access Canvas and Genius. Anyone can access the course catalog to view our courses, but you will need a guest account before registering. Please note that the student's legal name must be used when creating the account, not that of the parent/legal guardian. You can create a Guest Account here.

All students are encouraged to self-enroll in our free Prep for Success course (requires an IU Guest Account). This is an excellent introduction to the learning system in use at IU High School and provides numerous tips and helpful strategies.

The use of a standard desktop or laptop computer is required for all IUHS courses. Smartphones, tablets, Chromebooks, netbooks or similar devices are not compatible with our program.

All courses have a 26-week time limit. Courses that expire and are unfinished are dropped and will not be recorded on the transcript. If a student re-registers for a previously dropped course, they may continue where they left off.

Individual courses at IU High School take on different formats. Some courses are more Independent, while others are more Cooperative in nature.

Courses designed as Independent usually feature a sequence of 8-12 Lessons which each include a reading assignment, a written 'discussion' that substitutes for a class lecture (these often include videos and links to supplementary material), a lesson assignment to submit, and often a quiz (either graded or ungraded). Independent courses have no interaction with other students, but the instructor is available at all times by e-mail to answer questions and to generally advise students.

Courses designed as Cooperative contain the expected content of reading assignments, written discussions, assignments and quizzes. However, in these courses there is the opportunity to interact online with other students' work, and to exchange feedback on the work being done. Instructors also participate with the feedback, and encourage it. Cooperative courses are restricted to teen-age students only; you must be under 19½ at the time of registration. 

If you wish to register for an Independent course, but only the Cooperative version is available, please register for the Cooperative version and then contact IUHS ( We can simply transfer you to the Independent version.

Course Completion, Feedback, and Revisions

In all IU High School courses, students are expected to incorporate instructor feedback from one lesson to all subsequent lessons and may be asked to revise their work.

To receive a grade in a course, students must complete ALL ASSIGNMENTS, ACTIVITIES, EXAMS, AND OTHER WORK. Students will not be awarded a grade if the coursework is not complete.